Laboratory Management
The lab sub-system (OpenELIS) is different from EMR (based on OpenMRS), Bahmni automatically creates the patients and their lab orders in Lab system when created in EMR. It also sends the test results and referral information back to the EMR.
Patient Samples and Lab Tests
The lab system allows the user to capture the patient's sample information and generate the label numbers for them. The user can select a panel of tests or individual lab tests for the taken sample.
Results and Referrals
When the results for tests become available they can be entered into the system. Once all the results are available the lab in-charge can validate the test results by accepting or rejecting them and take a printout of the tests.
If your lab doesn't have the facility to perform the tests on the sample, then you can record the test and refer the sample to an outside lab. When the results comes back, you can upload the document received and/or update the results of the test. The lab system allows you manage the list of outside lab facilities where you refer tests.
Lab Dashboard
Bahmni has a lab dashboard that gives a bird's eye view of the workload in the lab. It also provides simple patient search utilities and quick-links for performing frequently used actions from the dashboard.
Operational Reports
- Referrals
- Tests performed